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OUR Values

Restoration over Perfection

No one at Restore is perfect and we like it that way. God doesn’t require people to have it all together, so neither do we— we actually prefer it that way. At Restore we can all explore following Jesus together.


Authenticity over Hype

We are real people exploring a real Jesus together. We won’t pretend to be anything other than what God created us to be. Authenticity can be seen in everything we do; our relevant teaching, exciting worship and in how we live.


Community over Isolation

Everyone belongs at Restore. It’s extremely difficult to be a Christian all by yourself. We believe that life should be enjoyed and shared with other people. Thats why God gave us each other!


Excitement over Entertainment

We think worshipping God should be exciting and involve everyone at Restore. It is our goal to engage every person in exciting and meaningful worship.


Multiplication over Addition

At our very core we care about the Kingdom of God and want it to grow at all costs. We believe in a culture of creating disciples of Jesus and multiplying to expand that Kingdom.

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