church for the rest of us.
In 2015 when Restore Church was just an idea, it didn’t yet have a name, a mission, or a vision. Restore Church didn’t have colors, it wasn’t yet a Church for the Rest of Us and had yet to develop the heart to be a church that is #ForJacksonville. But whenever anyone heard that we were starting a new church in Jacksonville the first two questions asked by many were how many people attend your church and where is your church?
Here we are in 2021, on the verge of celebrating our fourth birthday on March 19th, 2021. And we are attempting to answer exactly where our church will be. It’s such an abstract idea for most that a church would begin in a living room in 2016 with only 12 adults. And for most it is hard to imagine setting up everything required to have a service in a Conference Center. Most people raise their eyebrows in amazement to know we spent a year having our gatherings in the movie theater and many questions always come when we talk about doing services in an elementary school. And some grow quite confused when they hear that we currently hold services in another church’s location. But not anymore. Restore Church, we’ve found the answer to that question - we’ve found our home.
However, for us it has never been about the location of where we meet. The question that is most important to Restore is the who? Who attends Restore? You do! More so, we are a group of imperfect people who are discovering God together. We embrace the mess. We get our hands dirty. We get gritty. We love God relentlessly and love people recklessly. We are gritty. We don’t stop. We kick hell in the teeth. We are #ForJacksonville.
While we have found our permanent location, our home, this location will be a tool in helping others find their way home.
We are looking forward to what God has in store for Restore Church as we participate in our
Welcome Home Campaign.
Roger Burns / Lead Pastor
What's Next?
We're excited to share a little about where God has brought us and where we believe He is taking us . . .